Removing Clinical Information

Select the applicable tab to learn about removing clinical information in your province.

Medical conditions and allergies cannot be removed if they have been transmitted to PharmaNet.

To remove clinical information:

  1. Search for and select the patient.

  2. Select the Clinical tab.

  3. In the Clinical Information section, highlight the row to be removed.

  4. Select Remove. A prompt displays.

  5. Select Yes to remove the information.

  6. Select Save.

Drug allergies and intolerances cannot be removed from the EHR if they were added by another pharmacy.

To remove clinical information:

  1. Search for and select the patient.

  2. Select the Clinical tab.

  3. In the Clinical Information section, highlight the row to be removed.

  4. Select Remove. A prompt displays.

  5. Select Yes to remove the information.

  6. Select Save.

    • If the information was added by another pharmacy, a Validation Error appears indicating that the information cannot be removed.

To remove clinical information:

  1. Search for and select the patient.

  2. Select the Clinical tab.

  3. In the Clinical Information section, highlight the row to be removed.

  4. Select Remove. A prompt displays.

  5. Select Yes to remove the information.

  6. Select Save.